Thursday, July 1, 2010

Gigit Bibir

I don't know the real life, like "REAL LIFE" is going to be. But just now, I know life is something that unpredictably feels like thousands of swords stabbing all over your body or roses spreading its fantastic fragrance all around you! It is wether very good or very bad!Mungkin aku bukan salah satu dari mereka, blogger yang memakai bahasa inggirs dengan lancar dan selalu update dan bentuk blognya menarik! Tapi betulan kali ini aku pingin banget nulis dari hati ke blogger! :P
Aku tahu dunia ini kejam, aku tahu dunia itu menyenangkan, aku tahu cobaan hidup itu selalu ada. AKU TAHU! Aku pingin banget mikir kalo semua ini hanyalah mimpi belaka, tapi ini betulan, ini realita yang gak bisa ditolak. UDAH DI DEPAN MATA. I've said this several times to my friends. Hidup di sini tuh kayak Perang Gerilya! Diem-diem. Didepan kita kayak apa dibelakang kita dijelek-jelekin! Kenapa di dunia musti ada iri?dengki?itukan kotoran! kenapa musti dipelihara sih?I know this is a serious matter! Tapi kali ini..KALI INI AJA.. aku pingin banget ngenjoy life without thinking what they are thinking about us, kayak kata temanku!I want to live my life! I want to find happiness from my own hardwork, with my own sweat!I don't want to be told who I wanna be!I don't want to forced! It's a free country, remember?(nah itu kata-katanya beib)Kenapa gak ada antiklimaks dan ending yang seindah di film-film? Kenapa selama ini film musti bohong? PERDAMAIAN itu sulit ya?I guess so..Right now I just want to close that page that is full of lies, hatred, and pain, let's open a newpage, just for awhile, to make us smile again!Let's just forget our problems and start to make a fake smile at least!
Aku tahu aku orangnya gampang bosenan! Aku udah "over it" Lee DeWyze. Sekarang aku lagi in sama glee banget! I don't care mau besok aku udah gak mood lagi kek sama glee. Tapi right now, JUST NOW! Aku suka banget sama glee! Glee and my lovely Mom that is keeping me alive these days! I don't know..I just don't understand what is happening and what is going to happen or how will it end! I just don't know! I think I 'manna follow my path and walk without looking back while biting my mouth!

Ini alasan aku sekarang tersenyum!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Full of Hope

Hey're you? :) .. So today I really wanna share my thoughts to the world! I've been doing the things that I should've do in the holiday and I'm watchin' ..
It is cool and freakin'ly awesome..Now I am officially a glee fan..

And he's so cute too..hahah.. :P

And I heard this song too..It's so cool that I heard for the first time Zachary Levi sings with Katharine McPhee..And he's greaat!..His voice is so amazing!Check this out!
And please wish me luck for tommorow big event that I'm gonna participate!I'm going to dance in front of many people in a big stage in the name of Indonesia. . . :) \m/...I am full of hope right now..Have a great guys..

PS: Sorry if there so many mistakes in my least I tried "speaking" with english.. :P

Friday, June 4, 2010


I've been doing nothing except, watching TV, playing computer, eating and sleeping,
And I am still an addict to them:

and especially for these two..

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lee DeWyze: American Idol 2010

Before the announcement
The momemnt of truth, when ryan said" Dim the lights please, we've got the result"
"The winner of American Idol 2010 is. . . .Lee DeWyze"

Lee started singing

By the way they look good together, aren't they?;;);;);;)

I'm not an idol freak, okay..I'm NOT!
Okaaay I am..a little.. :D
So once again..American Idol 2010 is Lee DeWyze. . .
I'm so happy for him..YEAYYYY...\m/
And I know you gonna have an awesome carrier ahead you Mama Sox..So
actually both of you are winners! ;)
Both of them are such an inspiration to me..
I definitely gonna miss this year American Idol, the uniqueness of every contestant,
and I'll miss Simon too..I guess.
I honestly like the way he judge people. I think what he said is the right thing and always so accurate.
But well, they're gonna go on tour, right? So yeah.. I think I'll catch up to that ;)

*All photo taken from google

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Males banget nulis beginian..Haduuu..
Yang jelas hari ini saya telah melakukan banyak kegiatan yang cukup melelahkan.
Oke akhirnya saya hanya ingin mengungkapakan rasa senang saya telah menyelesaikan novel ini..

Novel karya Sitta Karina yang lagi-lagi amat signifikan, penuh fantasi, dan tak terlupakan. Khayalannya sangat meletup-letup hingga sekali mendapatkannya(alias puncak konflik/klimaksnya) tidak dapat berhenti membaca!No words to express it..Halah...maaf sok-sokkan dikitlah ngomongnya.. ;P..Iya pokoknya keren bangetZ..hehe AlAy D1kiT A44ah..

Triple JEMPOL buat Ka Arrie.. :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Goodbye to these...

Ini jadwal ujian UAS & UAN + Phgatek.

Ini jadwal bimbel.

Ini jadwal aku untuk belajar UAS.

Ini note penyemangat-ku.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sakit Hati Sakit Jiwa

Ada yang ngganjel di hati.. :((

Anyway, today's Quote:
"Don't expect too much cause sometimes the thing you're doing doesn't end like you wanted to. And if that happens you'll be sad!Truly sad!"